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Conservation Minutes, April 1, 2015

Called to Order at 7:00 PM under M.G.L. c 131, §40 and the Hanson By-Law 3-13, §5 and Rules and Regulations by John Kemmett, Chairman, in Meeting Room A at the Town Hall.
Present:                   John Kemmett, Chairman
   Frank Schellenger, Vice Chairman
                          Brad Kirlin, Member
                           Phil Clemons, Associate Member

Also Present:              Laurie Muncy, Agent
  Rebecca Nehiley, Administrative Assistant                         

        Motion to approve minutes of March 4, 2015:  Frank Schellenger    
        Second:    Brad Kirlin
        Vote:  3-0-0


7:00 PM Appointment with Ms. Patricia Dias to discuss a complaint of an alleged violation at 30 East Washington Street

        Ms. Dias attended the meeting in response to a letter from Ms. Muncy regarding a complaint that she had cut brush and trees and hydro-seeded without a permit.  Ms. Dias explained that she had cut some brush and trimmed overgrown tree branches to gain back a lawn area that had become overgrown. She didn’t think it was wrong to do so and was surprised to receive the letter.  
 After researching older files from 1973 and 1990, Ms. Muncy concluded that a previous Order of Conditions and a Plan may depict a pre-existing situation of standing water in the area in question.  Also depicted on the Plan were conservation posts and mitigation plantings.  Ms. Muncy was unable to determine in the field if they were still there.  She commented that it needed more review and didn’t want to put an enforcement action on something that may have been allowed in the first place.
Mr. Kemmett said that the old but still valid Order of Conditions had been lost track of and  suggested that Ms. Dias hire a consultant to look at the file and the site in order to bring it into compliance.   Ms. Nehiley provided Ms. Dias with a list of local botanists and a new meeting date of May 13th at 7 PM was set.

Public Hearings
7:15 PM   Continued Notice of Intent the construction of a single family dwelling, the installation of a driveway, septic system, grading and utility work within 100 feet of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland at Lot 2, Maquan Street, Map 70, a portion of Lot 52 for Steven Paraino represented by ET Engineering, Inc., 481 Bedford Street, Bridgewater, MA  (DEP #SE175-0659)  

        Mr. Ted Lively of ET Engineering, Inc. attended the hearing to provide a revised Functions and Characteristics Statement and a revised Plan (dated March 30, 2015) requested by the Commission at the previous hearing on March 4, 2015.  The driveway, originally depicted as paved, was changed to a gravel driveway to provide infiltration and recharge.  A drywell was also proposed to handle the roof runoff.  Mr. Lively said that some spot elevations of the wetland across the street were added to the Plan and that the driveway is at the existing grade and will have no additional impact to the area.  
        Mr. Kemmett requested as mitigation for the disturbance from the encroachment of the driveway into the 50’ buffer zone, the No Disturb area be enlarged and depicted with Conservation markers.  

Motion to approve a variance to work within the 50’ Buffer Zone:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  Brad Kirlin
        Vote:  3-0-0

Motion to approve and issue an Order of Conditions with a condition that the Plan be revised to show an enlarged mitigation area:  Frank Schellenger
        Second:  Brad Kirlin
        Vote:  3-0-0


        Mr. Kemmett reported that the Study Committee for the Litecontrol property had a meeting to discuss the likelihood of the Town’s ability to reuse two of the buildings at the site for the Highway Department needs.  The Committee decided that it wanted an outside review of the environmental constraints of the site before moving forward with a decision.  Mr. Clemons suggested that it would be due-diligence to have Mr. Delano review the site for what it could be used for.  Ms. Muncy will contact Mr. Delano and ask him to contact Bill Scott who is the Chairman of the Committee.

Old Business/New Business

Express Newspapers/Invoice –   signed


        Motion to adjourn at 8:00 PM:   Frank Schellenger
        Second:  John Kemmett
        Vote:  3-0-0